The Best of Carnevale 2024 Venice

Venice at Night

Life in Venice has gone back to normal. And those who paid 5,000 Euro to attend the Il Ballo del Doge hopefully got their money’s worth. You can already book online for 2025. (

The theme for 2024 Carnevale was “The Extraordinary Journey of Marco Polo.” It celebrated the 700th anniversary of Marco Polo’s passing and his remarkable journey from Europe to the East. Many costumes had a definite feel of the journey through Mongolia which brought with it the possibility of so many bright overly decorated costumes.

The elaborate costumes have all been put away until next year. But here are a few of my favorite scenes from this year. The below was the winner of this year’s Best Costume Award.

The is the La Marie Court this year. Each year, following the tradition from 943-1349, 12 unmarried Marie(s) are chosen. The tradition was that 12 brides were chosen among the poorer Venetians to be married to men among the richer families. They were gifted donations and jewels. Today they just get to represent the city.

This is definitely a 1700s group of men in their finery. Not so much imagination, but these yu see every year. The frilly tie and cuffs on the gentleman in aqua can be bought all over Venice. Not going as this next year.

Got to love the lady in blue in what looks like thousands of little bows. I am sure this took a lot of time to make this. I suppose they made a dress and then anchored the bows to it. It also represents the colors of Ukraine and I applaud them for this.

We only got the back of these, but the costumes are great.

His and Hers in Pink. Love the bows on his shoes.

My personal all-time favorite. Love this cat. Next year, this is my costume, I have already told one of our mask maker friends to get it ready.

And the famous Venetian Pantegana (giant rat) led the water parade opening Carnevale. At the end of the water parade, the Pantegana explodes with confetti.

And no Carnevale would be complete with out the famous Fritelle. Yes they are as good as they look. My personal favorite is Fritelle con la crema.

So until 2025!